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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Aug 2018
    Denver CO

    Default Re: Re-Recruiting for The Shield of the North [5E]

    Quote Originally Posted by NiKkatsu View Post
    Sounds great! I made my character on the link you posted to the campaign. Can you see her?
    Yep, looks good! In addition to starting equipment, you have 94 extra gold to spend, since you're starting as level 2.

    Spoiler: quick BG
    Lune is a noble from Kingseat. Her family are bankers and they work closely with the church. As the only daughter in her family (she has three older brothers) she decided to join the clergy to avoid getting married off for her family's interest. Her parents were not too pleased, but she has distinguished herself in the clergy (to her own surprise!) so they are more accepting of her new calling now.
    She is well-known and well loved amongst the common folk, she spends alot of time among them, which also caused some friction with her family...
    She was tired of always being a disappointment so she left to travel for some time, tending to the sick and poor and spreading the good word. She happened to be in Coldwater when the last wave of undead appeared and her cleansing light magic and healing spells proved quite useful on the battlefield so she decided to stick around for at least another year... She's not a huge fan of fighting but once again she surprised herself with a new skill.
    In Coldwater she is proselytizing and trying to spread the faith of the Celestial Court a bit more, since the Maiden seems to be the primary deity in Coldwater. Her sermons attract more and more people, but obviously the church of the Maiden aren't too happy about that.

    Does this story make sense? We can work out some details to have it fit more into your setting if you'd like.
    Yes, this looks fine. I haven't fleshed out Old Solus and the other easternmost principalities yet, so you have a pretty clear field.

    I'm thinking she prays to the Court as a whole, but she has favor with a deity who is more about the duality of fire as being both destruction/creation if there is one like that in your pantheon?
    Hm, maybe -- Lukas the Councilor is the founder of the Order of the Unburnt Hand, which is home to both monks and clerics, and his mythology sort of revolves around holy fire that only burns the evil/unworthy.

    Lukas the Counselor was one of the four most important gods of the Celestial Court, one of the two pillars of the King alongside the Celestial General. He represented wisdom and magic, faithfulness and integrity.

    According to Celestial Court mythology, the brothers Lukas and Rukon were both counselors to the Sun King. When it became apparent one of them was a traitor, Lukas thrust his hand into a fire and swore that if he lied his hand should be consumed. When his hand did not burn, Rukon was unmasked as a red dragon and cast into the Plane of Fire.

    In the inverted faith of the Thieves Arcana he was revered as a trickster, who lied so well that he could trick Truth herself.

    Otherwise, the Sun King himself is the patron deity for Fire.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-29 at 10:15 AM.