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Thread: Let's Make a Melee and Ranged Fighter

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Default Re: Let's Make a Melee and Ranged Fighter

    Use the Zhentarim Soldier substitution levels (reflavored if needed), since there's no drawback. That gets Skill Focus: Intimidate at 3rd, the social use of intimidate lasts longer at 5th, and you can demoralize a target as a swift action at 9th.

    Also include the dead levels features, again since there's no drawback.

    Dexterity Build:

    Wild Elf gets +2 Dex, -2 Int. Try not to have a negative Int modifier, Str can be the minimum to qualify for Power Attack, Cha needs to be high enough to take Imperious Command at 6th or 9th level. 1st level feats are Improved Weapon Familiarity and Weapon Finesse, plan to use an Elven Thinblade with a shield or an Elven Courtblade if fighting two-handed. Keep max ranks in Intimidate, take the Never Outnumbered skill trick.

    We'll want Ranged Weapon Mastery (piercing) at 8th level, so we'll need Weapon Focus/Specialization: Longbow before then. There are three Fighter feats and two general feats prior to that, so we have plenty of room. We'll also get Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, and probably Item Familiar during those levels, and Imperious Command at 9th.

    So we have a 9th level Fighter who's more than good with a (composite) longbow, a bit mediocre at melee but able to lock down a target every round with Imperious Command and able to make everyone in 10 ft. cower for a round with Never Outnumbered while still full attacking. Or, get Fearsome (DotU version) armor and keep three targets locked down every round using your swift, move, and stadard actions to demoralize each of them.
    Last edited by Biffoniacus_Furiou; 2024-04-29 at 12:28 PM.