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Thread: Is this busted

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Default Re: Is this busted

    Maybe there should be a -5 modifier to the check? Disadvantage?

    Thing is, most monsters and monster stat blocks don't have skill proficiencies. Beating 5 enemies' perception checks isn't all that daunting if the most perceptive of the bunch has a +2. A rogue can easily have +10 by level 5 and +13 by level 9. Adv too, if magic items are in play.

    These skill tricks are intended to be nifty, flavorful little moves that characters can use; not build-defining actions that can spammed. This feels like it would just shove the meta of the game in a certain direction.
    Last edited by Skrum; 2024-04-29 at 05:12 PM.