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    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Players characters evading direct questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Quertus View Post
    Now, it gets tricky what we're discussing at any one moment, whether it's the PoV of children who were expecting Superman, and how their reaction could make sense in that context, or me playing an RPG, or me IRL. But, yeah, there's very few situations where I'd expect social norms to allow a "do you know what the next step looks like?" query to go uncontested from someone who hasn't offered help, and the example of 'there's a fire' is one of the strongest contenders for that being an acceptable line of thought.
    "What are they planning" is definitely a "is this even my problem?" question from someone who hasn't decided to help. It's not the sort of probing for tactically significant things you'd want to do before assaulting a group of Garou, when you want to be asking things like how many, what shape are they whilst they're asleep, and are any of them significantly physically deformed. Because those are the questions that let you decide how much overkill you need (identifying breed forms, Metis, etc).

    If you go into a fight against werewolves even 99%-assed it's probably going to go bad between their soak, regen, rage heal, and ability to make paste of anything vaguely nearby when they go into war mode.
    Last edited by GloatingSwine; 2024-04-29 at 05:21 PM.