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Thread: Why DON’T you like Eberron?

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    The UK

    annoyed Re: Why DON’T you like Eberron?

    Like several of the posters, there is quite a lot to like about Eberron (which is off topic for the thread), but there are a few things I dislike:
    • Twelve planes "orbiting" world and having an impact when close/losing influence when far away. Not because it is bad, but because my homebrew setting Pelhorin does the same and did it first*. People are going to assume I nicked it from Eberron when in fact I nicked it from somewhere else entirely!**
    • Dodgy mechanical implementation of some cool concepts (exactly which mechanics are dodgy varies by edition).
    • Trying to make the cosmology more World-Axis-esque in 4e (including sticking Baator in there) and then AIUI shoe-horning the whole thing into the Great Wheel in 5e.
    • That I can never remember without checking how many Bs and Rs there are.

    I did not know about the level inflation on other continents TheTeaMustFlow*** mentioned until just now, otherwise it would probably have been on my list also.

    * Technically, I started with six, but upped it to twelve to better suit other lore elements. The increase did happen after Eberron existed, but becoming more like Eberron was an unfortunate side-effect rather than the point.
    ** I think it was inspired by the Orrery cosmology in the 3e Manual of the Planes. But it might even have predated that, in which case I do not remember what exactly inspired it. In any case, the details are pretty different.
    *** Great screen name, by the way.
    Last edited by glass; 2024-04-30 at 11:54 AM.
    (He/him or they/them)