Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
Okay, question time for folks. Apparently, Solasta: Crown of the Magister got a Playstation release in early March that I hadn't heard of. It not being on my main systems has been the only reason I haven't picked it up, and it's now also on a pretty steep sale, so I'm probably going to grab it, I just need to decide which version. Standard edition is an enticingly cheap $9, but "Lightbringers Edition" (which lists off a bunch of what I assume to be DLC that's included with the game: Lost Valley, Palace of Ice, Primal Calling, Inner Strength, and a Supporter Pack) is also discounted at $34. Would the latter be worth the almost quadruple price tag, or should I just grab the base game?
Lost Valley adds a new campaign for a fresh party. Palace of Ice adds the third campaign, this time a continuation of the main game. Primal Calling and Inner Strength add character building options (classes, races etc.). For the full 5e base class setup Primal Calling and Inner Strength are necessary.

While I found Lost Valley to be no on the same level of quality then the main campaign it was still fun. And Palace of Ice was pretty good.
Personally I would not want to play Solasta without the two class DLCs as the character building options of just the base game are a bit limited.

In short, the additions in the Lightbringers Edition are real content, adding new campaigns and enhancing the base game. I would go for the complete package.