Quote Originally Posted by Mechalich View Post
Her having lost the arms in some sort of childhood accident is the more likely explanation, since a child with such a severe congenital disability is simply highly unlikely to have been born in The Netherlands in this century (this is simply a statistical observation, it is not intended to imply any sort of political judgment).

Also, I find it very strange to imagine Liz attending school without some kind of prothesis. Sure, maybe bionic options weren't available when she was a kid, but basic artificial hands have existed for centuries, and while they certainly have limitations, they are still powerfully enabling. The way she's drawn in panel 4 of comic #5298 she'd struggle to perform almost any task without considerable assistance. I mean, assuming the classrooms in whatever school she's in have doors, in order to sneak into the classroom with the cat she'd have to open the door using her teeth.
Re: the Netherlands, you think that Jeph does any sort of research before drawing these?

And when that comic originally appeared, it evidently had no depiction of the event, just Liz describing it. People then complained on Patreon about how could a cat-bite infect a mechanical arm? And so Jeph did a hasty backfill with her arms, which led to all the problems you list. (And to add one, the teachers let the cat-petting be limited to the popular kids?!)

I wouldn't be surprised if Liz is totally lying about all of this, and that other Hannalore doesn't even exist, or wasn't nearly the monster we've had described.