Frank raises a hand, "As cliche as it is I suppose it boils down to being afraid of the unknown. The one threat that I now know for certain exists is possibly gone for good, though I'm not going to stop keeping an eye out for signs of her anytime soon. She... left an impression."

"But assuming she won't be back, my problem now is that I'm sure she was merely the tip of the iceberg, with ample other things that bump in the night having some truth to them. The existence of groups like yours sir is in and of itself a sort of proof of that. Do I need to worry about my kids running into a vampire at night? or redcaps in the park when there's a bit of fog? In the absence of solid information, either of those possibilities seem just as likely as stumbling across a native American witch bound to a tree."

"As I said, I'm principally asking for information, whether that's speaking with an expert, or spending a few nights studying in a library. More direct help would certainly be appreciated, but I understand if that is not on the table."