R5T9: Grum bellows in rage as parts of Helena’s mangled body drops to the floor, the essence burning in his bones telling him of her fate! With a great scream and hefting the axe in both hands he chops hard trying to shatter the monster, praying to Gorum to grant him a particularly savage strike. But this is the Boneyard, Pharasma's realm, and Gorum does not hear his servant's plea, or doesn't answer, as the axe bounces off of the hide of the strange monster. But, soft, maybe Gorum has heard for the battle, if not the strike, for Grum finds his mind completely refreshed, ready to invoke his most powerful attacks.
Spoiler: Inspiration
Maneuvers reset.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

The monster opens its maw wide to attack Grum, catching the dwarf for 10 and stuck fast with an adhesive, even as the jaws continue to crush him for another 7.

R6T9: Grum, what do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Mimic: 20. (7:77). GRAPPLING Grum!
Grum: 9. Shield of Faith (3 min). Hardlight axe in hand. RS. GRAPPLED by mimic!
