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    Troll in the Playground
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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: Dangerous Old Men & Women (5e, high level NPC combat testing) IC

    Jessica Aegnor
    Half Elf Oath of the Watchers Paladin 11
    AC: 22 | HP: 39/113 | Initiative: +5
    STR: +8 | DEX: +6 | CON: +8 | INT: +4 | WIS: +9 | CHA: +13
    Spell Slots: 1st: 2/4 | 2nd: 2/3 | 3rd: 2/3
    Lay on Hands: 55/55
    Channel Divinity: 0/1
    Harness Divine Power: 2/2
    Active Effects: Sentinel, Aid, Boots of Speed, Death Ward, See Invisibility
    Concentrating: Wrathful Smite
    Immunities: Disease, Frightened
    Conditions: None

    "Good," Jessica says, "Let's see how scary you really are."

    Wrathful Smite concentration save (DC 12): (1d20+8)[22]

    Next successful attack deals an additional (1d6)[6] psychic damage and the target is frightened if it fails a wisdom saving throw (DC 16).
    Balor saving throw: (1d20)[2] plus mods got a 25 in Discord.

    Attack #1 vs Balor. To hit: (1d20+10)[15] to damage: (1d8+8)[12] slashing damage, plus (1d8)[6] radiant damage. If the attack is successful, smite for an additional (4d8)[23] radiant damage.

    Attack #2 vs Balor. To hit: (1d20+10)[19] to damage: (1d8+8)[10] slashing damage, plus (1d8)[3] radiant damage. If the attack is successful, smite for an additional (4d8)[13] radiant damage.

    If either of these attacks land, bonus action cast Shield of Faith (AC becomes 24).
    Last edited by Infernally Clay; 2024-05-03 at 07:51 PM.
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
    "Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush."