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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Sep 2009

    Default Re: Players characters evading direct questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
    Alright, full stop here. This is wildly inappropriate behavior from a DM, period. "Do this thing you're uncomfortable with or get out." is unacceptable at any table. A player always has the right to say "I do not want to do this" and be listened to. If you aren't willing to compromise on something as simple as somebody not wanting to have to be as charismatic as the character their playing, it's no wonder your players consider you an antagonistic DM. You are one!
    There is nothing antagonistic about not being interested in playing certain types of games.

    I am not my players' slave. Nor are they mine.

    Why am I required to participate in a game that I don't enjoy?

    This seems to be the most aggressive assertion of "the geek social fallacies" I have ever heard!

    Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
    ...If you aren't willing to compromise on something as simple as somebody not wanting to have to be as charismatic as the character their playing...
    This is not about being charismatic, it is about refusing to participate in social scenes at all.

    The fact that you feel the need to frame it as such shows to me that you either don't understand what I am saying, or you realize how ridiculous your position would sound if you came right out and said it.
    Last edited by Talakeal; 2024-05-03 at 09:44 PM.
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