Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
With one more side-glance to verify that the spider remains present, Utra sheathes the sword and steps through the illusory screen, already fading. Precisely, Master Djin, and an excellent work overall, hm. she circles her finger in the air to indicate she is including everyone else in the praise given. If you could muzzle him as well, mayhaps… He is awfully loud, and I can make do without his voice in terms of questioning. Still in motion, she steps closer to Naomi, and using both hands, she channels some heling power from her belt into the woman. It is the best she can do for now. In the meantime, may I request the assistance of our more, shall I say, survival-minded. she goes on. Above us she indicates the crystal vein we have some fine quality zoisite; I believe we are looking at roughly a 1000 gold pieces in worth, a good incentive for the crew if we can extract it, mayhaps. But that is time-consuming, and not very urgent; as such, I would gladly see it concealed and marked for now. I will further need someone to extract some venom from a spider, gently, if at all possible… she begins digging in her pack for a vial.
Quote Originally Posted by samduke View Post
Well I can try to extract some of that venom if you care to help
Naomi is able to help Utra extract a single dose of poison from the diminutive ice spider. Which has begun to construct a delicate lace of frozen silk within its enclosure. A transparent odorless viscous liquid at the bottom of a vial. Only rarely known to cause paralysis it is not recommended one touch or drink the substance.