The prisoner knows of two more locations where the army has set up a camp in the wilderness. He gives good directions. Marks the map. It appears the camps are camouflaged tents pitched in small clearings surrounded by trees. The maps the exiles have already are not too detailed. But they seem to match up pretty well. The Troubleshooters’ turf is not particularly close by to the locations. The motel was not given a name, it’s been lost to the ages. Only a description. The building is coloured green. The POI in the Gutter seem to be mostly sections of the subway tunnels (including a discarded train car) and maintenance stations, made into hidden outposts.

The prisoner is happy to be let go. Back in his cell, he has time to think, he sullenly mutters.

The Union agrees to set up a channel. They have the gear, and the expertise, they just want to take a hour to get it all setup. And record the various code phrases and shared info.
The Union has not made much trade outside of their state. They certainly are afraid to go north. Trade coming in from the port is usually from the south or west. It is definitely not safe to come to NYC from Vermont. A thick wall of hostiles in many different flavours block the roads and wilderness.
The Union is reluctant to share info. But the exiles seem trustworthy, so they’ll try. They warn that communication disruptions are getting more frequent since the last two months. Bad guys may be messing with radio towers and computer networks, or something. They will send updates on miscellaneous stuff to the radar base staff whenever necessary, yes.

But The Union has no urgent news to share with Richard and the exiles for now.