Quote Originally Posted by Yas392 View Post
Djin relays his findings to his group. When it is the time to settle in for the night, he watches the group's back while they manhandle the orc into the cavern with his silver dagger still in hand.
Beyond the narrow passage, not five feet high nor wide, is a natural cavern. Forty feet across in both directions with enough headroom for all to stand. The room is divided equally into two distinct areas. The area nearest the entrance is dry, the ground is level and the ceiling is at its highest. The area deeper into the cave is wet, the ground is slippery and uneven and the ceiling is low with dripping stalactites. Falling water heated by geothermal activity warms the cavern to a comfortable temperature. A constant trickle runs ever down the slightly sloping rock, dropping off into a pit of unfathomable depth.