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Thread: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    The halfling twins stared at the tiefling in surprise. "Really? A tentacly monster is inside with jellyfish servants?" Barb throws another bit of stone at one of the jellies. "Well, it's not like they can hurt us if we don't go in the water. As evil minions go, they're not very good."

    The prisoner had stopped crying out in fear, responding to Nolwenn's soothing, but she was still clearly badly upset by the sight of the ocean. However, her fear intensified when Red came to fly her over to the boat. She absolutely refused to allow the tiefling to touch her. She clung to Ondros tightly, shrinking away from The Red Horns' outstretched arms. She repeated the same sound she'd made when saw the ocean, which seemed to be her word for "No."

    Draelin, on the other hand, happily accepts a ride with Red. Starr looks at the elf and says, "Wow, you guys really had a big fight, eh? Also, you all really stink."
    Last edited by agignac; 2024-05-05 at 07:54 AM.
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