I could spend the next year writing responses to this, but I will attempt to not do so.

Something I liked that others didn't, Solo. To this day, I do not understand why people don't like it. It was Han and Chewie: A Love Story, and that was exactly what I wanted out of that movie. Complaints about him taking the name Solo and the like just don't make sense to me - I didn't care about it, but if that annoyed a person, it was about five seconds of time in the movie. Compared to the speeder chase, the Kessel run, Lando, the heist, and Han and Chewie, I can't understand how people didn't just think, 'Hmm, that was awkward, wonder why they did that - oh, cool, we've got a land battle going on, this is fun!'

From the opposite direction, The Quiet Place. That movie was so incredibly boring and ultimately pointless. The only good thing about that movie was that it reminded me of the existence of Mars Attacks! and I went and watched that.