Quote Originally Posted by Buufreak View Post
No Country for Old Men.
High five. I genuinely despise that film.

You didn't even mention how awful the villain was who I'll never understand why people thought he was so neat and/or cool.

For my own, the UK version of the Office. I remember being trapped at a house party/sleepover that turned into an unending binge of the series from which there was no escape. I drank alot while there to numb the pain but alas acohol can only do so much.

It's more mixed in terms of how much they're loved but also the works of Kevin Smith. He made one good film in Clerks and that's very much it. I'm sure that Dogma is only good if this is the very first time if you've been exposed to the ideas and if not it comes off as a crappy sub-par Vertigo comic.

Worst of all though is Chasing Amy which might be one of the very few films that I hate more than No Country. If I could reach through a screen and throttle someone he'd never have survived when he popped up to explain the plot and explain how it related to his own life.