Quote Originally Posted by noce View Post
If you haven't yet, watching the movie Split might give you an idea.

Given that you're playing an archivist, you're free to take any alignment and any Deity. A fun idea could be to take THREE alignments and THREE Deities.
Quote Originally Posted by AnonJr View Post
You could always have one really heavy Id, one really heavy Ego, and one really heavy Super Ego...
Now you guys are making me want to play one! Oh the possibilities.

Quote Originally Posted by WitchyKitty View Post
Next, and more importantly, silly question.

Do we have anywhere on the website here in GITP that could serve well as an 'In character/IC' writing thing? I primarily would like to use such a thing as a thought experiment to get into the mind(s) of a Synad for my upcoming campaign.

I do not know if 'Arts and Crafts' would work, because... from my own experience, I do not think I'd be good enough at writing things to even remotely consider my offerings as 'art'. XD

There is, of course, the On-Going Games (In Character), but that too, gives the impression of a section that would not quite fit what I intend.
As long as you have a partner to keep replying with, the thread could conceivably go on indefinitely. If there's a thread you want to pick back up again I think you can message an admin to bring a thread back without "thread necromancy" declaration, but don't quote me on that. And there are no silly questions when it comes to this artform