Quote Originally Posted by gbaji View Post
3. "real people". You know. People who just want a film to tell them a good with good characters and a good balance of "things" in it (depending on genre of course) and do so in a way that makes sense, doesn't offend them, doesn't preach to them, and has reasonable production value and thought and competance in the production itself.
While there's definitely extreme ends of the scale between 'fan' and 'real person', there's a lot of space in between "guy who has encyclopedic knowledge of Star Trek" and "guy who thinks Star Wars and Star Trek are the same thing" and I've never seen a good dividing line, and whenever I've seen somebody try it ends up feeling less like a sound taxonomy and more "how much do I agree with this person".

Most people are fans, to some extent, and plenty of not chronically online people have brain-breakingly strange film opinions that you just don't see them posting about.