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Thread: [OOC] W20: Under a Blood Red Moon

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    Archmage in the Playground Moderator
    truemane's Avatar

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    Mar 2007

    Default Re: [OOC] W20: Under a Blood Red Moon

    Great. Thanks, everyone.

    Couple of notes:

    Spoiler: Kowaru

    I don't want to spend a lot of time picking at the sheets at this stage, but I have a couple of concerns:
    • Three dots in an Ability indicates a professional level. So 3 dots in Survival and Animal Ken represents an enormous amount of time and energy spent living outside and training animals. And there's nothing about that in your backstory.
    • Before learning he was Garou, he wouldn't have had a chance to learn the Rituals Knowledge. Unless something very strange happened.
    • At 15 years old, it's doubtful that he would have Resources 3, which indicates a well-established Middle Class lifestyle.
    • A Willpower of 8 would make Samuel one of the most strong-willed and resilient people on the planet. This isn't really reflected in his backstory.

    Let me know if you have any thoughts on the above.

    Spoiler: Kish

    Who was/is Meghan's Mentor? Did they take an interest in her before her Change? Or right around the same time?

    After addressing any notes, the next step is to Garou up the characters ("Apply the Garou template" as we might have said in CoD).

    Tell me a little bit about your character's intro to Garou life. How did they come to know about their Tribe and Auspice? How sharp was the difference between their old life and their new life? What was their time as a Cub like? How was their Rite of Passage? After passing, what was their first few steps into Garou society as a full member like?

    And with that, update your sheet as follows:
    • Add 1/1/0 to your Attributes.
    • Add 2/2/1 to your Abilities (max of 3 dots, as usual before Freebies).
    • 3 additional points for Backgrounds
    • 3 more additional points of Flaws (if desired)
    • Rage, Gnosis and Gifts according to Breed, Tribe and Auspice
    • 15 additional Freebies

    As always, let me know if you have any questions!
    Last edited by truemane; 2024-05-07 at 10:26 PM.
    (Avatar by Cuthalion, who is great.)