Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
Another one that came to mind for me: Portal 2. Both Portal games tend to get nothing but praise from anyone who talks about them, and I was late to the party on both, so I came to them expecting to like them as well. And I did I like the first one when I played it, so you'd figure I'd like the second as well, right? But nope, I did not. I can't even recall why at this point, but I do remember feeling like the game wore out its welcome pretty quickly, and more or less forcing myself to finish it even though I wasn't having much fun because I knew it wasn't long and I wanted to at least be able to say that I'd completed the game.
My guess is length. Portal 2 is about 3 or 4 times longer than the first game, and I remember the middle segment in particular having a number of puzzles that boil down to "there is exactly 1 square foot of portal-compatible wall in this huge, poorly-lit chamber, find it". I didn't dislike the game on the whole, but its pacing was not as tight as the first game.