Quote Originally Posted by Mechalich View Post
Solo had really bad press and an immense burden associated with being the Star Wars film that came out after The Last Jedi. The single group of people who were most likely to rush out to see it and then talk about it were also the people most eager to hate it as part of the backlash to TLJ. The film itself is decidedly fine, but it's not good enough and especially not tightly crafted enough to avoid being picked apart brutally by an audience motivated to do so.
Well . . . it's not really fine. You're right that the backlash to TLJ was the biggest reason for why Solo got so much hate, but it's not actually a very good movie on its own terms. The action sequences are mediocre, the characters range from pretty good to very bad, the story is uninspired, but it could still have worked if it had done the one thing that a backstory movie needs to do . . . and it botched that one thing completely. So I think it deserved the roasting that it got.

On a more positive note, one movie that I'm constantly surprised doesn't get more praise/recognition is Margin Call. It was a moderate commercial/critical success, but it never made many waves and even more than 10 years after its release very few people know about it – I only found out about it because I happened to see a clip on Youtube one day. But the cinematography, dialogue, and the performances by the cast are all amazing. It's way, way better than the Wall Street movie and its sequel, but those are the ones that everyone seems to think of when they hear 'finance movie'.