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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Q 116

    Sorcerer Divine Companion ACF Shielding says it is "equivalent of an abjuration spell". Does this mean Illumian or Anima Mage can theoretically Persist it?

    Q 117

    What type is Dragonborn that was not originally Humanoid, such as Tiefling or (assuming there are reasons for it to happen) Troll? Page 8 of Races of Dragon says Humanoid, but page 10 says retain old type and subtypes

    Q 118.a

    How many Medium Dragonfang arrows can one make from one corpse of Large dragon?

    Q 118.b

    In case of dragons with dual type breath(eg Pyroclastic), which is used by Dragonfang weapon?

    Q 119

    How does one determine which additional attack does a creature that does not use iterative attacks gain from Haste? If arbitrary choice, could it make that attack with secondary weapon that usually gets -5 to attack bonus to negate that bonus?

    Q 120

    Do undead retain benefits of various grafts? If so, Races of Dragon p127 states resurrected creature retains grafts. True resurrection says it can bring back creatures with destroyed bodies, however does not change "target" line. Is there a legal way to repeatedly farm a heavily grafted creature for its body(to accumulate, for example, an arbitrary amount of Raven Zombies with Beholder eyes)?

    Q 121

    Can Spellblade weapon enchantment work with SLAs and Psionics?

    Q 121

    So what exactly is deflection bonus to AC of riverine chainmail? And would it get adjusted for enchanting armor for +X?
    Last edited by Auerkan; 2024-05-08 at 06:52 PM. Reason: More questions