@ Rater: which is great Rater, stupid choices explains a lot. But consider: if you COULD make a horror that terrifies you despite all the smart choices taken, wouldn't that be MORE terrifying than ones that require stupid choices to be made? The horror of all your best choices being irrelevant?

Anyways, I missed this day's stream, you might as well know why: because I watching this interesting Elden Ring lore video person called The Tarnished Archaeologist, who is different from other lore video people because he actually uses archaeology, science real world inspirations and so to break down various things and explain concepts about Elden Ring that make it feel like he is uncovering more than most, and really do think his perspective is incredibly valuable for understanding the game's lore. it delves into things like botany, geology, architecture, and other real world stuff that helps inform what Elden Ring's referencing, I'm learning things I've never known before because of it.

on Metroidvania:
I view the term as being similar to "Roguelike" or "Soulslike", you can't sum up what it does so shortly so you have to name it by the game that it did it first because the combination of elements thats archetypical of it. a roguelike for example has to distinguish itself from a normal rpg as a term because normal rpgs don't have you retry the whole thing over again with randomized elements repeatedly, while a soulslike has to distinguish itself from a normal action/beat em up game by emphasizing the precision and slower nature of its combat as well as its lethality. you can technically see how the genres are similar to something else, but they're different enough that you can't really sum up the differences easily. same with Metroidvania which is like normal 2D platformers, but has significant differences enough that you can't play it the same way as you do Mario or whatnot.

thinking about it, the way to kill Samus is not while she's on a mission. she'd be too on guard, too combat-ready. if the Space Pirates really want to kill her, they'd have to do something like set up a trap in her ship to kill her in like the middle of space or while she is taking a break or something. or at least, the better idea than engaging her directly is destroy her ship so she can't go anywhere, thus stranding her on whatever dangerous planet she has found herself on.

Don't worry Zodi. No one cares about 100% runs like these unless they're speedruns, so there is no one here that really cares if you screw up the scans, and therefore no one to say your not cool. and speedrunners and challenge runners go through dozens to hundreds failed runs on streams before they get the run they actually put as a youtube video or WR record, and they have fans, so really if anything the way to get the hardcore challenge crowd is to be willing to fail a lot rather than get it first try. if anything showing the failures is a good way for them to ensure honesty and to demonstrate their perseverance to get the challenge right rather than being a cheater. so don't worry about failing, I bet you anyone who truly earns any WR in any game or whatever has failed far more times than you and even shown those failures to more people than you. so, really if you think about it any failure you make isn't that bad in comparison. and for any non-challenge runner lets player, failure is pretty much expected due to streamer luck and so on and good moments for the viewer to laugh at the player anyways since its either a first time reaction or the person has the playthrough so planned any mistake is standout moment in something otherwise competently executed.