Quote Originally Posted by vasilidor View Post
Both as a player and a DM I cannot stand scenarios in which the players are supposed to lose for the plot to go on.
There was a module I ran once that ran afoul that like half a dozen times. Against the same opponent. The whole thing was about chasing a dude, and you're supposed to keep running into him only for him to narrowly escape. It would have helped (a little) if the person who wrote the module actually knew how the escape abilities of the antagonist had worked. Or didn't work, as the case may be. What didn't help was the one part of the adventure where you were trying to catch up to him on horseback, spending like a week or two rolling on a random encounter table for every hour of travel and 8 hours of rest. The thing is, you couldn't skip the random encounters, because then you wouldn't have the gold and XP that the following modules expected of you. Having run it, I would consider running that series of modules again, but only after homebrewing something entirely new in place of this section. The big bad didn't even have anything to do with the ongoing plot...