I'm of two worlds with the ol' Hades 2.

On the one hand, it's very fun and enjoyable, its characters are entertaining, and playing it with my girlfriend is a really good time! There's aspects of the game that are a little rough, but on the whole I like it, and most of the systems based hiccups go towards selling the idea of being a witch so it works.

It's even got a more interesting plot; Hades 1, I could have told you exactly how the entire game goes from beginning to end simply based off the premises, but for Hades 2 there's a lot of ambiguity and mystery about what, exactly, is going on and what is going to happen, and that's fun!

They also "fixed" the part of Hades 1 that I felt was the weakest aspect of its originality; I just didn't really care for the vocal tracks? Orpheus's songs didn't really do it for me, and Eurydice's song isn't something you can really listen to- the nature of the game makes you pass it by so quickly! Scylla's songs are a much more enjoyable to me way to go about'em!

But on the other hand I do really prefer Supergiant's original IP. The story being something new in Hades 2 and not just a retread of old myths really helps with that, but still.

I also feel like the roguelike aspects of the game get in the way of the story telling a bit. It's not a bad way of dolling out story bit by bit- though as is the case with most things, Hades 2 goes about this better than the original- but it does run the risk of feeling... drawn out?

It also presents a very unique and silly problem that me bringing up will seem like humble bragging but- the first time I got to any area after the first Eris showed up to tell me "no you're not supposed to be here yet you're playing the game too good stop it" and then curse me with absurd damage boosts for the enemy.

I get WHY this is in place. Hades 1 straddled a very thin line between "this run reveals .002 percent of the story so it felt like a waste" and "oops you beat the game too good so now you don't get the full and complete story the way we want" but still, it IS kinda rude to be told no, I don't get to beat Chronos, because I'm... too good at the game I guess (really I think I just got lucky, but that's an argument for another time).

It isn't even perfect, last night I got a voice clip of Mel mentioning she needs a resource that I didn't even know I needed yet! Oops! I knew I'd need it eventually because of watching my girlfriend play (who has put far more time into the game and unlocked more stuff, going wide while I go deep) but still, oops!

This doesn't really mean anything. It is ultimately a very good game and watching my girlfriend play it is super fun, playing the game for her to watch while she does tasks is super fun, and over all Supergiant's "worst" game is in my opinion still leagues above basically everything else put out there (Worst being Hades 1 imo).

I just kinda hope they go for more original IP again next. I feel it is a bit more creatively interesting.