I still haven't gotten through part II. I've gotten almost an hour in, but it's been a real slog. It feels like nothing has actually happened since the start of the movie.

So far, the plot structure of the whole project has been atrocious. Far too much of the genuine drama feels completely underdeveloped and absent from the main story because it's all been shunted off into dispassionately narrated flashbacks. The epic space opera full of intergalactic politics that Snyder wants to tell is completely at odds with the basic structure of The Seven Samurai, and he was in such a rush to get the team together than the individual members' character arcs got squished. The main villain for the first two parts is an underdeveloped lackey of the real villain, who hasn't shown up yet.

Also, people have been ragging on the princess-murder scene, but the prince-guy standing on the balcony with his thumb up his ass while he watches his mother jump off to her death was so much viscerally worse for me. What the color-degraded **** are you doing? Stop her you useless ****!

I was more positive on Part I than a lot of other people were, but this whole thing is looking more and more like a disaster.