Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
December 5th
Providence, RI
“More seriously though,” Emi says as she looks over at her father. “Do you think that we might be able to do a New Year’s/birthday party at the house? Something small, of course.”

Mr. Shaw takes another sip of wine. “I’ll give it some thought. We can only be away in London for so long.”
“If it helps,” John offered, instantly regretting not checking with Emi first, “we could have everything staged in the Spire and have serving spirits quickly set things up. That would cut down on some of the time away from Iron Station.”

Mary’s attention focused more intensely on cutting a piece of her pot roast but she didn’t need to be a mind reader to see the wheels in her hustband’s head turning and the interested glances of her children — an interest that seemed to break through whatever focus that Kate was maintaining. Perhaps she, too, was trying to secure her mind.

Careless, Mary.

John reminded himself that it was their decision — although this time it was Emi and her father’s more than Emi’s and John’s. He did note, however, that Emi raising the possibility had brought a small smile to his face.

Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
Not often, Mr. Shaw has projects to Kate. I’ve talked to him alone a few times. He is well spoken and direct when giving reports though. Very through.

However, I know that I can be a difficult person to speak to, so I don’t hold it against him. And Emi stuns young men into blubbering messes on not quite a daily basis, so all in all, I think your brother is actually doing quite well.
I’m glad he’s performing well professionally, she replied, noting to herself the need to determine some way for John and Mr. Shaw to spend some time together — perhaps while a girl’s night out was arranged, and has at least made an adequate impression on you.

For what it’s worth, I haven’t found you the least bit difficult to talk to — although may I have been uncharitably described as ‘forward’ in the past. I’d like to think that is just a somewhat patriarchally conditioned response to a young woman who is confident enough in herself to join in the conversation when young men would prefer to be the center of attention and adoration rather than let a woman who knows what she wants take part.

Kate considered her next thought carefully. While she knew he probably already knew the general sense of what she was about to say, the turn of phrase would be important with Mr. Shaw.

She knew that importance even before he mentioned how well spoken John was. Emi’s poise had been enough to signal that.

We all will take our chances when we know what we want or to do what we know needs to be done, she added candidly. Mom and Dad have made sure of that — even with Jefferey. We know to do the right thing, of course — to keep on the side of the angels and Sister Anna Marie. That kind of confidence and support from them and from each other may have also played a part in my being ready to speak to you as well.

She decided not to add that Emi and he were now part of that network as far as she was concerned.

Then she remembered he and possibly Emi now knew that.


Maybe she should talk to her mother after all.

Or talk to a therapist about her family’s need for control.