Cassandra Hartdegen
High Elf Wizard Bladesinger 4
AC: 15 | HP: 31/31 | HD: 2/4
Spell Slots: 1st: 2/3 | 2nd: 0/3
Spells Prepared:
1st - Shield, Absorb Elements, Burning Hands
2nd - Misty Step, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere, Web

Bladesongs: 0/2
Arcane Recovery (2): 0/1
Active Effects: None
Concentrating: None
Conditions: Exhaustion (1)

"Hello there," Cass says, as cordially as she can as she enters the room so the others can too if they want, before pointing at the tome on the table, "I like to get a bit of time to myself for reading too."

She taps the spellbook she is never seen without. "What is it you're reading, anyway?"