Originally Posted by warty goblin
That said, to be fair the production values on the first season were excellent.
One sequence really stood out—an approach by ship through a river (or fjord?) to a hidden city, past river-cliffs lined with immense sculpted heads. I may be misremembering a bit, but it was visually astonishing and clearly had the GDP of New Jersey for an effects budget. It was an echo (or rather prefiguration) of the Argonath, but it also worked superbly on its own, and offered a hint of genuine wonder.

If more scenes had been up to that standard, especially scenes with actors, it might have had a very different reception. But then there’s Galadriel.

Originally Posted by Sapphire Guard
Worldwide it was 45%, but no one likes to mention that because it's not as snappy a headline.
“Less than half the people who started watching ever finished it” is a tempting take, and not great in itself.

Originally Posted by Sapphire Guard
…or how many people came back to finish it later….
This is an interesting caveat, and raises the question of whether there’s a set timeframe to consider a viewing “complete.” I would guess there is no specific window, and a hiatus in viewing for weeks or months wouldn’t factor into the statistic, but that’s a question only Amazon can answer.