...Is this LYLO? Right now, the people left alive are myself, Athedia, Batcathat, Snowblaze, and CaoimhinTheCape. If we lynch Batcathat and they are not on the Black Team, then:

--One of the remaining players is blackened.

--Athedia is already blackened, meaning that we have one Black Team Member, two blackened players, and one non-blackened player.

--The Black Team killer is almost certainly Snowblaze in that case, meaning that there is no protection from the Ultimate Bodyguard and they can kill as they like.

--If the Black Team knows who is blackened, then they kill the last non-blackened player.

--All remaining players are either Black Team or blackened, resulting in a Black Team victory.

With all that being said... CaoimhinTheCape, I know you're busy, but could you post the info you got? My information allows for either Snowblaze or Batcathat being the killer, and Snowblaze's information could be self-serving, but I know you aren't the killer because you were sulking last night.