R1T8: "Lie down, let us not need to fight." Moorgram intones as he moves opposite of Darkhelm to close the distance on Jairess. And go to sleep she does!

R1T7: Despite Darkhelm's display of lights, as soon as Jairess falls, the ravens become agitated and close on Moorgram. He swings his axe, doing 6 mod to the swarm, but they continue all around him, biting and pecking Moorgram for 5.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

Darkhelm comes around from the north while taking out her new, nice crossbow and shoots through the swarm, doing 2 mod.

R2T8: Moorgram, roll a Fort save, followed by a Ref save! Assuming all is okay, what do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Jairess Sonn: 21. Fly til R31T21. ASLEEP til R5T8!!!
Darkhelm: 15. Crossbow (unloaded). RS.
Moorgram: 8. Greataxe.
Raven Swarm: 7. (37:45).
