Okay. Why I am town, "I don't actually have time to write this" edition.

- I have a verifiable claim; technically we don't have hard proof because no-one else targeted my protection targets except the night the Ultimate Manipulator targeted Athedia and I, uh, somewhat doubt that said Ultimate Manipulator particularly wants to come out and confirm that. But if anyone had targeted someone I was claiming to protect I would have been outed as a liar, and that has not occurred.

- there was no kill the-first-half-of-last-night-phase, and my power is the only explanation for that - neither Athedia nor Zelphas has a power that could block a kill and Caoimhin was sulking so couldn't use theirs

- I don't treat my partners the way I treated Dakrsidder and MossDragon this game. I basically just passively sat back and let them both die, which is the worst option for wolf!me to take: I have the disadvantage of losing a partner without even the compensation of towncred for bussing

- I definitely don't play the day-Moss-died-with-the-LyLo-regulation the way I did. People were definitely talking about me/Moss as a pairing there, and I honestly expected to be eliminated the following day. That means wolf!me's best hope at victory is to present a sufficiently convincing case on someone who isn't Moss, which I made no attempt to do.

- it makes zero sense for wolf!me to kill Caoimhin last night. She would have known Caoimhin and Athedia were blackened (or believed that to be the case, anyway) and thus assumed that the reason the game was still ongoing was that Zelphas was bluffing about being blackened by the BCH kill and killed him. (And if she somehow knew your role, she would have killed you.) (Yes I know it's also pretty hard to explain why wolf!Zelphas killed Caoimhin by the same logic. I'm making the argument anyway.)

That's about all I can think of otoh. I'm probably not out of my wolfrange on the strength of my ISO alone, but that is basically impossible for me to accomplish that without dedicating far more time than I have to a game these days. But I do think a lot of the things that have happened this game are just... not sound strategic choices for wolf!me to make.

Wolf!Zelphas case will probably be tomorrow since I will actually have to reread stuff to make it. lmk if you want me to clarify or elaborate on anything.