Shocker is sent flying by a single punch from the mighty Hercules. He crashes through a series of girders before staggering back to his feet. It's a hard to believe he can still stand after a blow like that! (And perhaps best not to say anything to Hercules, but his aggressive fighting style may be causing as much damage to the site as Shocker was!)

Above them, Sleeper sends the swing stage towards Electro, but it is deflected by the electric field swirling around Dillon. Nonetheless, he seems to have spotted where it came from, and sends a lightning bolt hurtling in Sleeper's direction.

Hercules hears a loud creaking sound behind and turns to see Rhino, back on his feet, lifting a bulldozer over his head. "Think you're strong, Hercules? You're NOTHING next to the Rhino!" He hurls it at the demigod. Meanwhile, Shocker, seeing Hercules being attacked from the other direction, shows his true colors and fires one of his vibro-blasts at the former Avenger's back.

Spoiler: OOC
Shocker takes D12 physical stress, putting him now at D12. Another (physical) hit will knock him out. Electro dodges Sleeper's attack.

Electro is attacking Sleeper at 15/D8 to deal physical stress.
Rhino is attacking Hercules at 14/D8 to deal physical stress.
Shocker is attacking Hercules at 10/D8 to deal physical stress.
Mysterio is nowhere to be seen, but is probably up to something (makes a D10 Prepared Illusion asset for himself)

Note that in the rolls thread I gave each of you a plot point to advance the doom pool. It is now at 3D10. If anything advances it on your turn (for example, if you guys roll any 1's), then on my turn I will spend 1D12 to collapse the construction and end the fight. That seems fairly likely to happen, so just be aware that this could be your last turn.

Doom Pool: 3D10