Jakk'ari wanders cautiously to the banks of the lake. Dried hoofprints in the sandy earthen banks speak to travellers watering horses here.

Spoiler: Investigation: DC 8
The tracks are more than a day old, you figure. Most importantly, there's a good chance they belong to the Winterspring chapter because Roshorn described them has having horses. Very few people operating in this area would have such beasts - raptors, kodos, wolves, and nightsabers for sure, but horses? They're not tauren hooves, and you're too far north for centaur activity.

The spirits in the lake a flighty little things, offering the shaman their whispers furtively before returning to their bodiless, tentative frollicking.

"The dead elves cling to their loss, here; they wail and moan, but they do not attack except those who take to the water in moonlit hours..."

Meanwhile, Marion's infernal steed conveys her at a greater perimeter, keeping watch over the golden grasses and trees and the narrow road back into the mountains toward Orgrimmar. A delegation of night elf sentinels, eight in total, bound by on their massive battle-cats. Most of them cast no attention at all to the lake, or the adventurers inspecting it. One turns her lambent white eyes briefly to Marion as she passes. She crooks a long turquoise eyebrow, but makes no aggressive move. The Kaldorei entrenched in alliance politics are well used to humans, but most of them have had very little dealing with the children of the kingdoms of man. Humans, dwarves, high-elves and gnomes - the Kaldorei could be forgiven for wondering if there was something in the water in the Eastern Kingdoms that turned people short, and normalized their coloration into an autumnal spectrum. But they were allies now, and the passing sentinel gave the warlock the barest vestige of a nod, and then turned her attention back to the road.

Spoiler: Perception: DC 10
The sentinels are making good time into the distance, but you notice that some of those who didn't eyeball you had their attention on a thicket of low trees overwatching the lake. Perhaps they spotted something there that isn't obvious to you...

Spoiler: If you hit DC 25...
... Until it is. A flash of blue scale in the shadow in the boughs there; something biding and watching...