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Thread: Tengu's Final Fantasy

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Tengu's Final Fantasy

    The sun rises over the city of Sour. It shines over the stone buildings, with roofs covered in red or blue tiles, and over the simpler huts in the district of the poor. It shines over the machines in the industry district, which, while stopped now, will soon start to work again as daily, filling the air with ruckus, sparks and smoke. It also shines over the roof and the courtyard of the majestic Royal Academy. A flock of pigeons wakes up and flies off, looking for something to scavenge - and those fifty cadets who are writing their final exam now only can wish they'd be so free as these birds!

    Exam has been written. Around fifty cadets wait in anticipation for the scores in the hall - some of them start to get really stressful, some pretend that they don't care - but it's only a mask for sure. Finally, the door open! An elderly knight comes out, holding a piece of paper is his hands, waiting for the hall to become silent - which happens almost immediately.
    "I will now announce the list of those of you who have passed the written exam. Those whom I will mention are to wait here for the practical exam, which will start in half an hour. Better luck next year for the rest of you."
    Many cadets started to hate the knight for this comment, but at the moment, everyone is nervously listening to the list. The knights reads the names. Less than twenty among over fifty have passed! Those who haven't leave the hall, some of them swearing and angered, some with resignation.
    "Congratulations." , the knight says simply to the remaining cadets, and leaves through the door that eh entered. The cadets remain in the hall, the practical test awaiting them soon. Simon, Jacob, Simura and Sebastian are among them.


    In the meantime, the ruckus at the large courtyard before the Academy attracts a small crowd. King's soldiers, under the supervision of Academy's instructors, set up everything that'll be needed for the final part of the practical exam. A small fence is set up around the courtyard, to keep the civilians from entering it during the battle, and two large cages, both covered in white sheets, are set - many could've sworn they've heard some growling coming from them! At an honorary place, on the courtyard and as close to the expected place of battle as possible, is a throne - it is no mystery that King Malach will want to see the final test personally!
    Last edited by Tengu; 2007-05-18 at 03:57 AM.

    Birdman of the Church of Link's Hat