I don't think this is quite as much of a gamble on Ansoms part as some think. Remember, he is using his weaker units to punch in through the 3 dragons, then using the few strong units that have enough move to reach the central hex to attack. If he is careful and sends a single scout to actually probe the central hex before committing to the final assault with his strong units (assuming himself for pliers + Jillian with gwiffons), he will easily evade the trap.

If he does charge the central hex headlong, and finds it trapped (several B dwagons stashed in central hex should be sufficient to wipe out whatever force Ansom can muster for attacking it), he can either disengage (Can he? Situation with warlord manned units attacking non warlord stacked units has been covered, but warlords vs warlords? Either way since Parson CAN control the warlords during defense of the hex, he will only lose one to arkenpliers before moving the other two out of harms way), or attempt to wipe whatever trap is there. In which case he stands to lose Arkenpliers.

Either way, Ansom *will* end up with almost no units that can traverse the heavy forest after the assault on the 3 dwagons. So Parson will have ability to finish off the siege units and do some additional damage to the column next turn.

Eeeevil. Love it.