Quote Originally Posted by Krelon View Post
sweet & pure, indifferent quantum state! of course the Donut of Doom is empty and filled at the same time, until we get to lookat what is inside
I so do love applied quantum physics

I guess that is why the bat could fly around the 'fort' but could not retreat when it came into a hex with 3 dwagons. (like Parsons warlords could retreat after destroying the siege)
On a side note, this would mean that Vinnie can only see through his bats but they do not count as lead by a warlord.

back to speculation:

Ansom expects the 'hex-fort' aka 'Donut-of-Doom' to be filled. We assume that Parson is an ueber-geek tactical genius. Hence I like to speculate that the hex is empty because that's what Ansom is not expecting!

IF the hex is filled and it is a trap, stacks lead by a warlord (Jillian and/or Ansom) can retreat. So I do not see that much benefit in a filled hex.

What I think Parson is getting for almost no cost is:
  • he (Parson) can selectively engage exposed warlords on his own turn
  • he can leave the forest capable units stranded in the middle of nowhere and by doing so he wins one additional turn of undisturbed hit'n'run on a weakened column (stranded units must get back to the column first)
  • he can try to capture the arkenpliers
  • he destroys Ansom's (and Vinnies) reputation as capable war leaders
  • shows the alliance soldiers/leaders that many of them can and will die (which may cause some to leave)

Hmm quantum physics ... What do you think Shroedinger's cat stats are? But probably time of saturday will collapse the Donut's centre wave function and come up with the macroscopic solution.

Btw and we are expecting it to be empty, because Parson CHANGED his plan of logical distribution of the dragons and adapted the "I 'm an invulnerable strategy genius"-type of fort. The very fact that he knows, that scouting is limited by distance, they have no Eyemancers and strange coincidence that both Anson and Jillian can reach the centre hex while he could sacriface few attacks to be on the safe side of their move is IMHO enough reasons to belive it. Also the interupted "We send the dwagons at the column, right? But -" is another good reason to belive the hex is empty. (and also : If not empty then the comics is at the end Learn from the TV series. )