It don't work like that - if you enter an occupied hex, then battle ensues. Its that simple, unless there is something drastically different about how Erfworld as a game plays out.
And if you read carefully what I mentioned in post #78, the question is not whether there are undetected units in the center hex, but whether there are undetected healthy ground units among the visible dwagons in the side hexes. Yes, the original six bats attacked those hexes, and yes the mechanics likely require units in them to autodefend against that attack, but that assumes that those units are capable of doing so. Those bats did not "end turn" there and hence demonstrate those hexes were unoccupied; their turns were rather abruptly ended by the occupiers that they found there. Under those circumstances, it's unclear whether the mechanics auto-reveal any concealed units that were incapable of joining in that battle. We simply don't know enough about the rules for concealment, visibility, and true-vision to say for sure what happens in that case, but the mere fact that bats (a scouting unit) have a rather restrictive 1-hex visibility range in heavy woods (at least) indicates they may be more complex then that.

I think Parson will know about the pliers. I think the Tool, in a moment of maniacal exposition, explained that Ansom was bringing them to him.
He did. We saw him do so.
He explained that Ansom couldn't gain full benefit from them because they could not be attuned to Ansom.
We saw him do that, too.

What we didn't see him do is tell Parson about the Pliers strength against Uncroaked. Actually, what we saw him do, is tell Parson yhay the Pliers weren't attuned to Ansom (implying perhaps they were nigh useless), forbid him from speaking (even to Bogroll), then dismiss him. Indeed, from what we've seen, it's not Stanley's style to offer (useful) information unless and until he can use it to berate someone for not having known it all along.

If Parson knows about about the Uncroaked bonus, it's because Wanda explained it (not her style, either, he notes that she probably knows but is unwilling to discuss tactical matters), or because Sizemore did (and he may not know.) So that means they may in fact be one fly in the ointment he's overlooked.

Taking out the warlords of the Allies would be a very good strategy, though if they are in hexes that are stacked full, their dragons could wind up taking heavy casualties as they warlords direct all attacks on single dwagons at a time.
Yes, but while we can't know or reliably what defenses they may now have, Parson can. He knew in detail what was available prior to the start of his turn, while he was planning the attack, and based on experience what their likely re-dployment would be. If a strike against the warlords is in fact what he saw then, it will have been with that in mind.

Also, one more point that needs to be considered. It's not just recon where Ansom is/was weak, its also in inter-unit communications. "[url=]He has to use [i]scouts. [pause] He has to use hats!" And not just for remote communication, he also from what we've seen had to wait for the after-action report to learn of the battle progress within his own column because Vinny hadn't left any bats inside it.

I'm guessing he has the same limits with issuing move orders. But right now, unless the hat Vinny is wearing has it's other end with the remaining warlords, they have no way of knowing what's happened at the platter, what may be coming, or preparing to meet it. Ansom )should have) known in advance he'd be out of touch, and issued the rest of his orders before leaving, so even if he can get back, he may not have units with enough move left to matter. Unless he can still relay them through the Archons. Which may be the other overlooked plot twist that will be needed to keep the story going. The fat lady may be warming up, but isn't quite on stage yet.