
Butch sets his gear and prized saddle on a couple chairs and leans his scythe against the wall. Then he takes a moment to examine the decorations. "Did you see the coat of arms on the guards? That's a bear... a Breland bear... much smaller and black. I knew I wasn't crazy." Taking a good look at the ogre tapestry he speculates. "I bet this is one of the Lord's ancestors fighting off a Droaamite demon."

Glancing at the map, Butch points out the existing Orien trade road to the west as well as the the trade road on the east side of Silver Lake. "See that? A trade road through Shavalant could make for a fast route on the south side of Silver Lake. As it is, you gotta go all the way up to Lake Galifar to get your trade goods through."

Wandering back to Cecil, Butch starts up again, "They seemed awful miffed about being late. I don't think we were really THAT late either. But they act like there weren't no bandits in the area." He rolls his eyes a paces about a bit.