Quote Originally Posted by Caledonian View Post
Interestingly, Sizemore
keeps trying to learn new magics, despite every indication that he's only good for one (unpleasant) type. That desire, that longing to be something more - I think Sizemore is a prime candidate to attune to the Arkenpliers. Stanley's giant ego and sense of entitlement is probably what gives him the ability to control the Arkenhammer. In a more modest way, I think Sizemore has the potential to rise above himself, and that's what I think the TitanTools are sensitive to.
I'll agree that he's a prime canditate for getting one eventually, but
the ArkenPliers would not be my first guess. The ArkenPlier's apparent affiliation to Croakamancy on the Fate axis of Naughtymancy (based on its combat characteristics) suggests Wanda as a more likely linker.

My hope for Sizemore
based on my mad theory I've discussed in an earlier thread is that he gets the ArkenWrench after Charlie (inevitably) loses it to Parson's maneuvers, and gets himself a nice Archon harem.

Of course, the most tangible evidence I have is that this explains why the ArkenHammer also turns Walnuts into Pigeons, which I've yet to see a coherent alternative explanation for. However, that's a very thin twig to build a theory from.