
Cecil nods. After taking a breath, he launches into his recap.

“Lord ir’Tajan, we made out from Shavalant as was planned two nights ago, meaning to be here yestereve. In the afternoon of the first day, we were ambushed by bandits – they provoked the magebred bear which we were hired to deliver into a frenzy from which the scions of the handling house could not calm it. It slew one of its handlers and wounded two of my men before we drove the bandits off. The bear, regrettably, had to be put down – but better put down then than on the front lines, I think.”

“Knowing I could not bring the horses to Orcbone with two of my team so heavily injured, we decided to make camp there for the evening. That night, we were ambushed again by bandits – whether a linked group or a different one, I cannot say. They attempted to steal the magebred horses, but this time we were more successful – we slew two of them and captured the third, to bring to you. Sometime during this attack, the second handler ran off.”

“We made as good time as we could here, but stopped at a farmhouse as dusk drew nigh – my primary duty is to keep the caravan safe, as you know, and my team pointed out that we were more likely to be ambushed again if we pushed through.”

Cecil pauses, taking a breath. “It proved a wise choice, both for the safety of my team and your horses, and for future prospects – I now carry with me a proposal from one Kuvan, the homesteader who’s farm we stayed at, for the establishment of an Orien waystation, potentially allowing for a trade route directly along the paths we took and cutting trade time from Shavalant to Orcbone and beyond dramatically.”

He hands the proposal to ir’Tajan.