Review, review, review, the myriad postings...


Also: there's a Shiny tracker available, dear PxP? o.o;
Should I check myself for nanoprobes, or just inquire why it's necessary?

To weigh in on the gender symbol debate; if I like you, I honestly don't care what your sex is. I do, however, care what your gender is, since that affects what sort of flowers I buy you; utilizing here a more-or-less conventional definition of sex as biological/genetic and gender as psychological/cultural. Knowing what gender role a person feels most comfortable with is a great help in interacting with that person, so I feel one should be clear on that point, but not necessarily on their actual 'expressed' gender.

That said, I would make a seething-rage exception to my somewhat liberal view for anyone who's attempting to be deliberately deceptive with malicious intent. Few, I would hope, fall into that category.

Also, Awwwwww again.
Playground, you are so adorable. I wish to cuddle you, en masse. Even the ones who scare me oh-so-very-deeply in the depths of my quivering, pudding-esque heart.

Actually, I'd say it's perfectly all right to skip Crush and go to Flirt, if we're in agreement that those are appropriate 'stages'; Flirting serves as a perfectly dandy announcement of crush-ibity.
Unless you want to get a klaxon or something installed.

AWOOOOOOGA! AWOOOOGA! Shiny thinks you're cute! ALERT! ALERT! Wine, roses and serenades imminent! AWOOOOGA!