The Koga's God! He let three girls talk hoping they'd maul eachother.

Jessica: Likes The Koga but The Koga doesn't like her. Though would bone her sister in a minute and she's just jealous so she tries to act like she's protecting her niave little sister. What a bullcrap lie.

Amaya: Likes The Koga, but also hates The Koga cause she's a complicated basketcase.

Amanda: The Koga likes her, she likes him, but is afraid to get into a relationship bwah!

Anyway, so they talk, The Koga put Amanda in there hoping she'd defend The Koga because The Koga and Amanda became friends do to a failed date with another girl.. thus she's seen The Koga as a victim before.

Amaya: I hate Koga right now! He's such a narscistic jerk! He only thinks of himself!

Jessica: And he's insensitive! He doesn't care about anybody's feelings but his own!

Amanada: I can see that.

Bwah! The Koga could probably make one of those teen movies like John Tucker Must Die but with Kill Bill cheesy kungfu action. XD