Koga, from the things you've said here, encouraging girls to compare notes on you is probably a very, very bad idea.

Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
Give up on the whole "friend bin" thing. If I found out that one of my friends was saying that the only reason I won't snog him is because he is irrevocably in the "friend bin" or equivalent, my response would be outrage: How dare you reduce my entire psyche to such an over-simplification, how dare you presume to know my most intimate emotional workings beyond what I've already expressed to you, and how DARE you shunt all your insecurities and flaws onto me?!

Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
On a sometimes related note: "Girls like bad boys/Good guys finish last". I would suggest that the issue here is not one of good/bad, but confidence.
I've come to think over the years that social anxiety makes people nicer. I.e., lots of nice people are nice precisely <i>because</i> they lack confidence and therefore put more effort into being empathic and inoffensive.

Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
That's not to say that shyness is never attractive, but it's less attention-grabbing than self-confidence, and rarely sexy.
I find shy girls hella sexy.