Quote Originally Posted by Vampiric View Post
Koga, just out of interest, do you talk in third-person? because on the forums, it makes you seem very aloof, arrogant and immature. Now, in any other thread, I would see it as mildly amusing. But relationships are serious things, quite often where people look for life partners, and if you treat the opposite sex the way you wrote above, I'm not surprised they reacted like that.
No, but he is very much aloof, arrogant, and immature. But apparently also charming and romantic. Guys and girls alike compare him to a drug.
(And no, he's not bisexual. But he'll kissass to anyone if it serves his interests.)

The drug comparison came from onlookers who have seen his exes and former friends, who despite get angery with him and call him uncaring and a poor friend/boyfriend always need him around.

When he neglects them for too long, they go through withdrawel lol!

But then that's what The Koga always wanted. That sortof charisma needs to be heightend as it only works maybe 1 out of 5 times. His philosophy on life and love is like.. Erythmix man. XD

Sweet dreams are made of these...
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something..

Some of them want to use you..
Some of them want to get used by you..
Some of them want to abuse you..
Some of them want to be abused..

I want to use you.. and abuse you..

Hold you head up (moving on)
Keep your head up (moving on)..