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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Maryland, USA

    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact: Private Conversations

    Callos' words do nothing to assuage the soldiers hostility.

    Just when it looks like your small group is about to be annihilated by crossbow fire, there is a small commotion up at the top of the gates.

    A vaguely familiar (to Aeroz) old man appears, escorted by several members of the Emerald Guard. He whispers to the sergeant, who straightens up and salutes. He barks an order to soldiers standing behind him.

    After a short delay, the gates groan open and a set of six mounted members of the Emerald Guard gallop outside and surround the four of you.

    "If you please," one of the knights speaks gently, "Inspector Prozen welcomes you to Hlondeth and asks you to please follow us."
    Last edited by Dr._Bob; 2007-07-18 at 11:47 AM.