My progress is a lot more than I have down on here, I just have no idea what I can write. I'm kind of paranoid, as I've had systems nabbed before. Plus, I'm really the ultimate ADD.

Freeform magic is a fairly solid thing we got, though. We're currently trying to work out a guideline for out-of-combat magic, utility kind of stuff. Combat is almost completely down. It's a skill trial, with different things you want to do adding different modifiers. You can make a spell, for example, that throws a person a few meters back and deals them damage. Different magics get a negative to the Trial Target of certain effects, making them easier to cast. Fire, for example, is good with Damage and Area effects, while a little less solid with healing effects, and really sucks when combined with Water or Ice magic. Oh, yeah! You can make multiple spell parts to make a more powerful spell managable. Like making a spell for the damage, and the spell for the pushing back effects, allowing you to add more of each of those. It's really fun; I have players who have spent hours of their own time having fun crafting spells.