((Sigh. I miss Daiyanissa))

Neshi wipes away the gore from his blade with a clump of grass then sheathes his sword wearily. He stumbles over to Daiy's bed and checks on her, once again thanking the heavens that she is still fine, albeit in a deep slumber. He removes his armor, cursing softly at every creak of leather and clank of mail.

((FORESHADOWING: It's fine if y'all don't wake Neshi. Daiy's going to be a-flailing around with some very bad dreams anyway... her gauntlet's going to break his nose if you don't wake him properly for the changing of the watch))

"Ho, first watch! PLEASE don't foget to wake me before dawn, thank ye kindly!" He hollers hoarsely, then pulls out his bedroll violently and doesn't even bother unrolling it. He plops himself down below Daiyanissa's boulder and falls asleep right after a quick prayer.