Ritan Drenathy

Ritan walks up to Len and quietly says, "I'll go down, you throw your light into the other hole in the stage." It'll distract him, give me light to see by, but not make me a glowing target, he thinks to himself, but decides not to say it aloud. Placing both hands on the sides of the trap door, Ritan silently lowers himself down into the darkness. Landing softly, he flicks his knives back out of his sleeves and walks along the west wall.

I guess I'm going to have to explicitly say I'm looking for traps in this situation? Anyway, I'll need an assessment of the light situation under the stage, and after that, the actual look of the stage area I'm walking around in. Regardless, if he sees anyone he doesn't know, he throws a knife from up to 30ft away. If not, he'll continue to carefully explore. *cough*